The Walking/Talking Combo Can Boost your Brain Health

When I’m teaching a Nordic walking class, there’s always plenty of good-natured chatter. That’s part of the fun— catching up with friends while getting a great workout. Socializing makes the time fly by.

But as you chat, of course, don’t let your good Nordic walking technique slip.

Proper Nordic walking technique is key to reaping all the physical benefits. If your form is off, you won’t get the full workout effect, and you risk tripping over your poles or someone else’s.

That said, research is now telling us that the walking/talking combination offers more than just physical and social benefits. In fact, studies show that “dual-task walking”—the act of walking while engaging in conversation—can help slow age-related cognitive decline.

As one researcher explains, “We suggest that the dual-task combination of multisensory cognitive stimulation and multimodal moderate physical exercise training, twice a week, may be adopted as an effective program to reduce the progression of age-related cognitive decline and improve physical fitness and quality of life in healthy older adults.”

One important reminder: Enjoy your walking and talking, but always stay aware of your surroundings, especially cars, cyclists, and other pedestrians.

Barb Gormley

Barb Gormley is a Toronto, Canada, Nordic walking instructor and master trainer, virtual group exercise instructor, and author.